Most established organisations in the Commercial Real Estate space rely on their list of contacts, often built up over decades of doing business, as a source of leads.
While most people understand the inherent value of having a rolodex filled with contacts, few are leveraging the potential of that list even to a fraction of its potential.
When a list of past clients and prospects has been set up and ‘mined’ correctly, the results can be astounding.
Imagine between 5 and 10% of your list proactively contacting you – either by phone or email in the 48 hours after you communicate with them.
5 Ways to ensure maximum engagement from your current list of contacts:
1. Get them out of your phone (and everywhere else) and into an up-to-date CRM
Part of the success of utilising your list for optimum results is making it easy to do. Nobody wants to take on a task or process which is difficult to execute however, everyone loves a timesaving-client-bringing system which saves frustration and resources.
2. Protect the integrity of your list
Have you ever received an email, or message on LinkedIn which makes it glaringly obvious the sender knows nothing about what you do?
Be honest, it makes you think a little bit less of that business, right!
One of the key drivers for engagement is how well you know your audience. If your list has been built up over a long period of time, it is worth the time and effort to make sure everyone on the list is exactly right for your organisation right now.
3. Always offer value
Elevate your professionalism by becoming the ‘go-to’ person in your specialty area.
For example: if people on your list are likely to ask when the 2020 COVID-19 Commercial Tenancies Legislation emergency measures will be lifted – you need to have an answer ready for them.
The more you understand the people on your list – the easier it is to become the authority they turn to for help and advice.
4. Take a long view
People like familiarity. It makes them feel safe, which in turn, builds trust. And when people trust you, they will be far less inclined to look to a competitor to do business with.
But the bigger the deal, the more they need to feel secure about your integrity, professionalism and genuineness as a person. These things don’t happen overnight.
The people on your list will need to be nurtured, sometimes for more than 12 months before they are ready to work with you. Stamina, not speed.
5. Be visible
For a planet filled with people who by nature resist change, 2020 was a real eye opener. We went from a normal life of commuting, face-to-face meetings to lockdown, closed borders and WFH #zoomlife as de rigueur – in under 3 weeks.
People are using online search more than ever to research solutions to their challenges and if you’re not there, you’re …. not there.
By creating quality assets which you can use across multiple online channels, you can expand your presence and brand awareness for potential clients in Commercial Real Estate.
The brilliant part of this is, it’s not difficult to do, and once you are up and running, the sheer momentum you get will help fuel your business with the right people for you.
Access a step-by-step guide to the most cost effective way to grow pre-sale loyalty with your prospects - and never scramble for leads ever again.